Of Abundance & The Desire of Freedom
A meadow filled with flowers, the countless leaves on trees and the songs of the birds.
It is spring.
Nature awakes to the warm sunlight that nourishes the sprouts and seedlings. Insects travel from one blooming flower to the next and the air is filled with the sweet scent of the perfume of flowering cherry and plum trees. Nature’s abundance greets us in this season of the year.
My gaze falls on the greenhouse in the garden, where the herbs are radiating a vibrant and rich color of green and the vegetables soak in the warm and bright sunlight.

Just as we are a part of nature, so are we a part of the abundance of life and the world.
We are here on earth to live a life filled with abundance and riches. It is the nature of our soul to always seek an increase of life, to long for a fuller life with more experiences and depth.
What is abundance?
My whole life I was content with earning a little amount of money in exchange for working a job, to receive money for my time that I spent working.
It was just in the end of the previous chapter in my life or more the transition between two phases in my life that the desire of a more abundant life and prosperity arose within me.
What once seemed like a distant and unrealistic dream has become a strong desire.
I have come to learn that abundance can be found in all areas of life. It is wealth and prosperity, it means a always having enough time to do what we love, to eat nourishing food and live a life that is filled with love and connection.
Abundance is everywhere around us.
It is only when we are living disconnected from our natural environment, our home that we experience lack and struggle to have enough money or time or health in our life.
The answer is to seek reconnection with nature and life itself.
What is freedom?
Freedom is another natural law.
Freedom doesn’t have to be achieved or worked for. It is the nature of life and us included. When we don’t feel free we are disconnected from the natural order of life and our earth. We are free to be who we want to be, we are free to experience abundance and we are free to do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do that thing.
We are completely free, however what keeps us from living that freedom are beliefs and ideas that we have adopted while being part of a society that lives mostly disconnected from the natural world.
The Desire of Abundance & Freedom
Nothing in nature, our world or the universe stands still. Even when something seems still, movement can be found deep down. Even when we perceive stagnation, movement and change is always present.
It is commonly said that we have a life, the truth is that we are life, life expresses itself through us, through our words, our thoughts, our desires and our actions. We are not separate from life or the nature of this world.
The natural order of life is to always seek constant increase and expansion. It seeks new experiences, new ways of living and liberation.
It strives for evolution and growth.
Our desire of abundance and freedom is a sign that life expresses itself through us and communicates with us.
Our soul, the living force within us is ready for a new way of life, new experiences.
Abundance already exists within us and the desire we feel springs from the desire of our inner abundance and riches to express themselves into our life.
The life we live and perceive is always a reflection of our inner world.
The way we see the world is related to the way we see ourselves and our role in the world.
That is the reason why everyone sees the world through a different lens, through their own internal state.

The world around you is only beautiful when you are at peace with the world within you. Fall in love with the riches that lie within you and observe how your life becomes more abundant at every moment.

The desire of abundance and freedom is a sign of change that happened within us, a sign of the evolution of our soul and it’s desire to reconnect with nature and it’s laws.
The true desire for abundance and freedom is a soul-calling, an awakening to life and the wish to heal fear and limitation. It is a sign that we are about to step into unlimited potential and greatness.
Being free and abundant is a feeling that we already have access to right now. When we acknowledge our inner wealth and self-worth we open up to create prosperity in our life. The inner perception always comes first. When we feel poor within it is impossible to create a life of abundance. When we strive for abundance we are striving for an increase of life, the feeling of freedom, limitlessness and lightheartedness. We are ready to stop strggling, worrying and fighting life.

We experience abundance not through working harder or working more but through reconnecting with life, nature and the natural laws.
It cannot be achieved through a change of jobs, more study programs, higher education or a promotion.
It is an internal process that is part of our evolution as humans.
When we stop fighting the natural flow and rhythm of life we start the process and journey to abundance.
It only takes a shift in perception and attitude towards life that opens us op to abundance and freedom.
The inherent abundance of life and nature is already there, waiting for us to stop fighting the natural order and reconnect with the bigger rhythms and movements of life. It is our birthright and when we claim this right we move with the natural flow again.